I am an American currently living in Tel Aviv for the past 3 years. I grew up in Los Angeles in a family that always made eating healthy and working out a priority. I have been surrounded by family members who have always valued health, wellness, physical activity and education. Above that, I have been surrounded by loved ones who have gone through some very trying medical or health conditions, which has always made me curious about what is actually in my food. With all of the options we currently have, and oftentimes limited regulations, education is incredibly helpful in understanding what we are eating and how we can choose the best option for ourselves.

Los Angeles has an intense diet and health culture making almost any product available to you within a 5-10 minute drive. The demand in Israel is not exactly the same, and therefore I have found myself seeking the better option and researching how to do so. Accessibility is definitely not that same here as in Los Angeles, but that does not need to stop anyone from understanding how to make simple yet effective decisions to help their unique health journey.

Choose Differently was created to give people the tools, education, and suggestions to help them steer their health journey in the direction they would like to succeed. This is not a one size fits all, and this is not to say everyone should live exactly the same. This is exactly the opposite of that, everyone should feel the freedom to make their own, educated choices that promote the health they want to see in their own life.

Nutrition x Non Toxic Packages

Nutrition x Non Toxic (combination)
What comes with the sessions
Session 1
  • Intake Form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement the plan into daily life
Time: 40-55 minutes
  • Intake Form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Nutrition Goals
  • Prepare a Non Toxic plan based most used daily items
  • Develope steps to implement Nutrition and product changes into daily life
Time: 40-55 minutes
  • Customized plan or structure based on how you would like to implement changes
  • Customized lists on where to find product alternatives and price point comparison
  • Expert knowledge on how to implement changes and latest information in the industry
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Open communication throughout the process - including outside of sessions
Session 2
  • Review form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement the plan into daily life
Time: 30-40 minutes
  • Review form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement Nutrition and product changes into daily life
Time: 40-55 minutes
Session 3
  • Review form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement the plan into daily life
Time: 30-40 minutes
  • Review form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement Nutrition and product changes into daily life
Time: 40-55 minutes
Session 4
  • Review form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement the plan into daily life
Time: 30-40 minutes
  • Review form (Prepared before session by client)
  • Review of Intake Form
  • Understand Goals
  • Prepare a plan based on strengths + weaknesses
  • Develope steps to implement Nutrition and product changes into daily life
Time: 40-55 minutes
Pricing Chart
3 Sessions
4 Sessions
6 Sessions
Nutrition + Wellness Consulting
Yes - Moderate
Yes - Substantial
Yes - In Depth
Non Toxic Product and Food Alternatives + Reducing Toxins Education
Yes - Moderate
Yes - Substantial
Yes - In Depth
Accountability and Communication Support
Yes - Moderate
Yes - Substantial
Yes - In Depth
Ongoing development plan to change behaviors and create a lifestyle change for success
Yes - Moderate
Yes - Substantial
Yes - In Depth